Loans help people tackle several types of financial issues and money crunch, especially personal loans. It’s a great financial assistance for people who want to make their dreams come true. To meet several types of personal expenses, you must move towards borrowing a loan but what if you have low credit or CIBIL score?
Credit score plays a very crucial role in getting a loan approved from your lender or the bank you are associated with. Whether you want a personal loan for a wedding, a loan for meeting educational expenses and to pay medical bills, personal loans help here but you should have good credit to borrow your loan.
There are many cases when individuals have very low CIBIL and they search for alternatives to get their loan approved.
Here, we will let you know how you can apply for a personal loan if running with a low credit score. Follow all the steps carefully:
What is the CIBIL Score?
CIBIL or credit score is a three-digit number that shows creditworthiness and your past financial history. This criteria is very necessary for lenders to analyze all your transactions with a genuine credit score. Generally, a credit above the range of 800 or 850 is required to borrow a loan as it is considered good.
The banking institution checks for your credit score to know whether you are a genuine borrower or a fake one. If you hold a low credit score, most banks will hesitate to provide you with loans. Hence, keeping higher credit is necessary to be eligible for secured as well as unsecured loans.
Tips to Get a Loan With Low Credit
Several factors are there that will help you know whether you are eligible for the loan or not. One of the most important is credit score. If you are running out of good credit scores, then you should follow these steps as these help you get loans from your lender.
Maintain a Regular Income
Whether you want a personal loan for a wedding or to meet your financials during the crisis, you need to maintain a good income source in order to get loans approved very easily. Lenders check for the income source after credit score or creditworthiness. So, you need to work towards getting a regular and stable income.
Maintain a Low DTI Ratio
A higher Debt-to-income is always considered very poor and hence banks and financial institutions hesitate to provide loans to people having higher DTI records. It’s better to maintain a DTI ratio of about 35% or below which is considered good. It might help you to get loans very easily to meet your financial needs.
Apply Loan Through Co-Applicant
Co-applicant helps the borrower to get loans very easily because he/she acts as a witness and proof that the borrower is genuine by all means. You can get loans even with a low credit score. Apply for a personal loan with the help of a co-applicant.
Provide all Additional Documents to the Lender
Be prepared to provide all the asked documents to your lender as it enhances the chance of getting a personal loan with ease. Even in low credit or CIBIL, you can apply for the loans if you have all the documents ready.
Tips to Improve Your Credit Score
Here are the tips you can follow if you have a low credit score and want to improve the same:
- Timely debt payment
- Analyse your creditworthiness
- Minimize credit usage
- Work on the Diversification of your credits
- Stay away from applying new applications very frequently
- Go for credit settlements
- Maintain your old account
- Regular auditing of your credit and income
Credit score matters the most and if you have bad credit, try to maintain a stable income, and contact your lender to get loans.